
afm worship centre

Church Departments

Psalm 100:2 ‘Serve the LORD with gladness: Come before his presence with singing.’

If you're waiting on God, do what waiters do: SERVE.

Serving in the house of God is a profound expression of one’s faith and commitment to the Christian community. It holds immense significance as it allows individuals to actively participate in the ministry and mission of the church, contributing to the building of God’s kingdom on earth. By serving, individuals not only fulfill their role as members of the body of Christ but also embody the teachings of Jesus, who demonstrated servanthood through his life and ministry. Moreover, serving in the house of God provides a unique opportunity for personal growth, spiritual development, and deeper connection with God and fellow believers. It fosters a sense of belonging, purpose, and fulfillment as individuals use their God-given talents and abilities to glorify Him and bless others. Ultimately, serving in the house of God is a privilege and a calling that empowers individuals to make a tangible difference in the lives of others and in the world around them, reflecting the love and grace of Christ to all.


Ushering and Security Department

Ushering and security form integral parts of church operations, each playing a distinct yet equally vital role. Ushers serve as gracious hosts, warmly welcoming congregants, aiding with seating arrangements, and ensuring the smooth flow of people during services or events. Additionally, they facilitate the collection of offerings while upholding a reverent atmosphere conducive to worship. Conversely, security personnel prioritize the safety and well-being of all attendees. They diligently monitor entrances and exits, remain vigilant for any potential threats or disruptions, and are prepared to provide emergency medical assistance if required. Through their combined efforts, ushers and security personnel contribute to fostering a secure, hospitable, and spiritually enriching environment for worshippers. Their dedication ensures that congregants can worship freely and without concern, experiencing a sense of peace and reverence within the church’s sacred space.

Praise and Worship Department

At the core of the Worship Center assembly lies the praise and worship department, embodying the essence of our identity. Charged with leading congregational worship, they curate a spiritually uplifting experience through music selection and performance. Comprising diverse singers, bands, and vocal teams overseen by a leadership team, this department fosters a vibrant atmosphere of worship. Moreover, it extends opportunities for volunteerism, hosts enriching events and workshops, and provides invaluable resources for worship. Serving as a nexus for spiritual growth, it enriches the church community’s journey through music and worship experiences. In essence, the praise and worship department holds a central position in nurturing the spiritual evolution of our congregation, amplifying the collective devotion and fostering a deeper connection with the divine through the transcendent power of music.


Welfare Department

The welfare department in a church holds a profound responsibility of providing support and aid to individuals and families in need within both the congregation and the broader community. This encompasses offering financial assistance for essentials like food, housing, utilities, and medical expenses. Moreover, the department extends counseling, referrals to community resources, and aid for those facing crises or challenging life circumstances. Additionally, it organizes outreach programs, service projects, and volunteer opportunities to address the needs of the less fortunate and foster a culture of compassion and service within the church. In essence, the welfare department serves as a beacon of Christ’s love and compassion, offering practical assistance and support to those in need, embodying the teachings of empathy and compassion. Through various initiatives spanning assistance for the vulnerable, community outreach, disaster relief, advocacy for social justice, and empowerment through education, the welfare department endeavors to reflect Christ’s message of hope and redemption, bringing positive change to individuals and communities alike.

Media Department

As members of the media department in our church, our primary role is to effectively convey the Gospel message and the church’s activities to both the congregation and the wider community. Through various media forms, we engage, inform, and inspire individuals on their faith journey. Our responsibilities include livestreaming services for remote participation, providing audiovisual support during events, creating multimedia content to share faith stories and promote events, managing social media platforms to foster community, maintaining the church website for accurate communication, designing promotional materials to encourage participation, capturing church moments through photography and videography, and offering training and support to empower others in media-related tasks. Through these endeavors, we aim to facilitate meaningful engagement with the church’s message and activities, fostering a deeper connection with the congregation and the broader community.


Sisters Union

The ladies fellowship in a church typically focuses on providing spiritual support, fostering fellowship, and empowering women within the congregation. This involves organizing tailored events such as Bible studies, prayer meetings, and retreats to help women deepen their faith and connection with God. The fellowship also serves as a place for women to build friendships, offer mutual support, and create a sense of community. Additionally, the ladies fellowship often engages in outreach and service projects, demonstrating Christ’s love through acts of kindness and compassion. Furthermore, it provides leadership development and mentorship opportunities, enabling women to grow in their faith and take on leadership roles within the church. Overall, the ladies fellowship plays a vital role in nurturing the spiritual growth, fellowship, and service of women in the church, providing an empowering and supportive environment for their faith journey.

Youth Department

The youth department within a church serves as a dynamic hub for nurturing the spiritual growth and development of young individuals. With a focus on adolescents and young adults, this department provides a vibrant platform for engaging activities, impactful mentorship, and meaningful spiritual guidance. Through engaging events such as youth gatherings, Bible studies, retreats, and community service projects, the youth department creates opportunities for young people to deepen their relationship with God, explore their faith, and build lasting friendships within a supportive community. Additionally, the department offers tailored programs and resources to address the unique challenges and questions that young people may face in their journey of faith. By fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment, the youth department aims to empower young individuals to live out their faith boldly and confidently, equipping them to become positive influences in their families, schools, and communities. In essence, the youth department plays a vital role in shaping the next generation of leaders and disciples within the church.


Children Ministry

The children’s ministry within a church is dedicated to nurturing the spiritual, educational, and social growth of its young members. By curating age-appropriate Bible studies, worship services, and events, it cultivates a deep understanding of faith while fostering spiritual development. Moreover, the ministry orchestrates activities that encourage fellowship, teamwork, and community engagement among children, facilitating enduring connections with peers and with God. Additionally, the children’s ministry coordinates outreach initiatives and service projects, empowering children to actively contribute to their community and share Christ’s love. Through a holistic approach encompassing spiritual guidance, educational enrichment, and community involvement, the ministry endeavors to strengthen children’s faith and empower them to embody their beliefs in their daily lives. In essence, the children’s ministry serves as a vital conduit for nurturing young disciples and equipping them for a life of faith and service.

Men's Fellowship

The men’s fellowship department in a church is an indispensable pillar for men’s spiritual and personal growth. By orchestrating events, Bible studies, and retreats, it offers avenues for deepening their connection with God and fostering bonds among themselves. Moreover, it spearheads service projects and outreach events to extend Christ’s love to the community. Central to its mission are leadership development, mentorship, and fostering accountability, pivotal for nurturing faith and honing leadership acumen. Through these initiatives, men are empowered to support each other in their faith journey. In essence, the men’s fellowship department serves as a cornerstone for enhancing faith, nurturing relationships, and fostering a culture of service within both the church and the broader community.

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Widows and Singles

The widows and single mothers department within a church stands as a pillar of support for women facing the trials of widowhood or single motherhood. Providing a nurturing environment, it offers a haven for women to share their burdens, receive prayer, and find solace in their faith. Moreover, it extends practical assistance such as financial guidance, job training, childcare, and household support. By fostering fellowship, the department cultivates friendships and mutual aid among women. Engaging in community outreach and service projects, it meets the needs of widows and single mothers beyond the church. Counseling services and mentorship programs are available to guide women through their unique circumstances. Additionally, the department advocates for widows and single mothers, ensuring they receive essential support and resources. In essence, it offers a comprehensive approach, providing emotional, spiritual, and practical aid to empower women on their journey through widowhood or single motherhood


The projects department within a church is entrusted with the strategic planning, coordination, and implementation of diverse initiatives aligned with the church’s mission and vision. This encompasses overseeing the development and execution of projects spanning church facilities, events, and outreach endeavors. Often engaged in managing construction or renovation endeavors for church infrastructure, the department ensures these spaces are safe, functional, and conducive to worship and fellowship experiences. Furthermore, the projects department spearheads the planning and execution of special events like conferences, retreats, and community outreach programs, fostering collaboration with internal departments and external partners. Integral to its function is the efficient management of the church’s resources, including finances, volunteer manpower, and materials, ensuring projects are executed effectively. In summary, the projects department plays a pivotal role in advancing the church’s growth and influence by steering various initiatives and activities that align with its overarching mission and vision.



The couples department within a church is dedicated to nurturing and supporting couples across different stages of their relationships, from dating to marriage. Primarily, it offers a range of events and programs aimed at strengthening relationships, such as marriage enrichment workshops, couples’ retreats, and special date nights. Moreover, the department provides counseling services for couples encountering challenges or seeking guidance in their relationships. Additionally, it fosters opportunities for couples to connect with one another, cultivating a sense of community and mutual support. Overall, the couples department serves as a crucial resource for couples, facilitating the development and maintenance of healthy, fulfilling relationships grounded in Christian principles. Through its various initiatives, the department endeavors to empower couples to navigate the complexities of relationships with faith, resilience, and mutual understanding.


The Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa is a classical Pentecostal Christian denomination in South Africa with roots in the Azusa Street Revival.